
Archive for February, 2009

StupidZombie needs a facelift!

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

StupidZombie is a tool that can be used to ping directories like Technorati, Pingomatic, Blogalaxia and To2Blogs for blog updates. It also has the ability to write Tags (with a preview mode) to help users of systems like Blogger. Finally StupidZombie can be called from Cron u other schedule to automate pinging at desired intervals.

We are looking for a talented designer to help us to create the main website and to put together a theme that can be used with Swing Synth.

The project status is “Alpha” and you can take a peek on how it looks on the following locations:

  • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3385/3245886024_94ffaaa358_o.png
  • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3384/3261535833_e5724cea06_o.png
  • http://stupidzombie.com/blog/

Skills Needed: Web Design

Contact: Undead at undead@stupidzombie.com

More work being done

Monday, February 16th, 2009

This week I added fixes to the preferences routines (save, export and import) and also got some time to cleanup the blog; This week will probably play with some graphics elements (at my own peril as I’m not a graphic designer but I have gotten no help so far to make it better).

So far this is the roadmap for this month:

  • Agree on a common theme for both the website and the GUI
  • Refactor the Ping controller and Gui that shows ping
  • Use Synth to enable common look and feel.

So yep, looks like more cool stuff is coming. So far the other pieces work the way I like it and a beta release is not far away (you can download the code from Subversion here).

Veneblogs: , ,

Blogalaxia: , ,

To2blogs: , ,

Technorati: , ,

Del.icio.us: , ,

This is the blog of StupidZombie

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

StupidZombie now has a blog!

StupidZombie is an OpenSource tool that I use to ping my favorite blog directories. It also can create a set of tags that you can use of blogs that support them (like Technorati, Veneblogs and others).

I will try to post updates here about the progress of the project, news and anything related.
Veneblogs: , , ,
Blogalaxia: , , ,
To2blogs: , , ,
Technorati: , , ,
Del.icio.us: , , ,