Yeah, has been a long time since I touched the code of StupidZombie; One of the main reasons is that the program did (and still does) what I needed and there was no good reason to push it forward.
But things change, even for the undead 🙂
So this year I expect some things to happen, some more exciting than others:
- Refactoring the code base to StupidZombie is easier to compile out of the box. Yes, that is right. The code base is small but I want it to be even more easy to download and compile. Well, also it is a perfect excuse for me to learn how to use Apache Ivy on a small project 🙂
- JavaFX. Yes. StupidZombie GUI Swing based interface is ugly, TOO corporate. I’m crossing my fingers and hoping than Oracle do a proper integration with JavaFX and Swing so I can refresh a little the application
- Improvements on the site. I’m waiting for Oracle to move the project to, until then no news is good news 🙂
And that’s it. No huge news but rather realistic deliverable for the project. Also I promise to put more updates on this blog, it’s been really a while since I provided updates on the app.