Just finished branching StupidZombie 1.1. If you want to take a look on the code (making changes) then do the following:
svn co https://kenai.com/svn/stupidzombie~source-code-repository/Branches/1.1
So, what’s new? Well, some speedup came for free this time. I decided to upgrade all the major libraries of StupidZombie and some of them have important improvements in term of speed and memory utilization, like the usage of the new class ‘XmlRpcLiteHttpTransportFactory’:
HashMap result = new HashMap();
XmlRpcClient xmlrpc = null;
XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();
try {
config.setServerURL(new URL(BUNDLE.getString(directory)));
xmlrpc = new XmlRpcClient ();
xmlrpc.setTransportFactory(new XmlRpcLiteHttpTransportFactory(xmlrpc));
Object[] params = new Object[]{name, url};
result =
(HashMap) xmlrpc.execute("weblogUpdates.ping", params);
Next update is to fix (once for all) the menu handling in OSX. After that localization is the next milestone!