
Archive for the ‘opensource’ Category

Beta of stupidzombie website is available now!

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

OK undead minions, is time to kick the tires of the website. The URL (for now, before we move it to the stupidzombie.com domain) is here.

Again, I will quote Romney on what kind of work he did for the website:

Hi Everyone,

How are you doing? I’d like you to meet Blockhead.

If you have a moment please check out the site that I am building for StupidZombie.com

This was a recent final project for my web design class that I had the great opportunity to work with a real client on. Its still little rough to go “live” yet. I need to get with the owner of StupidZombie about integrating my design with his blog page and a few of the other database links I don’t have access to.

I did do all the branding for StupidZombie myself, including their new mascot, “Blockhead,” based on what the client wanted and competitive analysis of the market. This branding was very much liked and approved by the owner of StupidZombie. You can see his current page here.

I’d appreciate any and all feedback. Especially any compatibility issues you may have with your browser of choice. Also if you can check it out before Thursday I’d appreciate it as part of my last lab is to do a tracking analysis on the traffic to the site.

Thank you from me and Blockhead.


Great work from Romney. Please visit it and make sure you leave your comments. Tell us what you like, what you don’t and how it can be improved.


More functionality: Export ping results and filtering

Monday, April 27th, 2009

Yep, now you can export the ping results as a CVS file for later analisys or just for fun.  Also you can filter the contents of the result table using regular expressions as you type 🙂

Now is time for the next step which is to add some sexyness to the GUI using Synth.

Refactored GUI: Not Using JList anymore, welcome JTable. Also plans for the future

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

So first take a look on the old version of PingBlog (or run it from here using Java webstart):

Initially the HTML Tag generation and the Ping GUI were separate.

Now the new version offers more details in a more organized way:

StupidZombie ping scree
Big difference using a JTable. Also ping updates are handled better using a Observable – Observer pattern.

The idea is to be able to navigate all the ping types more easily (yes, more directories are comming).

Version 1.0 details:
And when version 1.0 will be ready? Well, I plan to release a beta version with all the functionality enabled before having the website ready. But the following changes are coming pretty soon:

  • Sorting and filtering on the table. Easy one but need to sit down and code it
  • Use Synth for the look and feel of the application
  • Merge the new logo and look and feel with the GUI and the website. No ETA on this one, except than is a work in progress

Once all this is ready I will offer a Jar for download and a webstart link. Stay tunned, more changes comming this way :)!

And for version 1.1?

Version 1.1 will be mostly bug fixes but also will add two more important features:

  • More directories. Yes, there are lots of directories out there and StupidZombie will support them all!
  • Soporte para Español (Spanish support). Should be easy to plug in. Also other languages will be added

So let’s the Zombie domination begin!

Refactoring, refactoring…

Saturday, April 11th, 2009

Yep. Old code was … old, and kind of ugly. Okay, just plain ugly. So refactoring was in order, like on the Ping Factory class which looks much cleaner now:

import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.ObjectName;

 * Factory class to return the proper Ping instance
 * @author undead@stupidzombie.com
public final class PingFactory {
	 * Supported ping types
	public static enum PingTypes {
		UNKNOWN("", ""), 
		VENEBLOGS("Venblogs", ""), 
		WEBLOGS("Weblogs", ""), 
		TECHNORATI("Technorati", ""), 
		BITACORASCOM("Bitacoras.com", ""), 
		PINGOMATIC("PingOMatic", "");
		public String desc;
		public String id;
		private PingTypes(final String aDesc, final String aId) {
			desc = aDesc;
			id = aId;
	private static PingFactory factory;
       // Rest of the code ommited :)

it is amazing how simple Enumerations simplified the code on this class. Now working on the ping controller, that section is long overdue 🙂

StupidZombie needs a facelift!

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

StupidZombie is a tool that can be used to ping directories like Technorati, Pingomatic, Blogalaxia and To2Blogs for blog updates. It also has the ability to write Tags (with a preview mode) to help users of systems like Blogger. Finally StupidZombie can be called from Cron u other schedule to automate pinging at desired intervals.

We are looking for a talented designer to help us to create the main website and to put together a theme that can be used with Swing Synth.

The project status is “Alpha” and you can take a peek on how it looks on the following locations:

  • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3385/3245886024_94ffaaa358_o.png
  • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3384/3261535833_e5724cea06_o.png
  • http://stupidzombie.com/blog/

Skills Needed: Web Design

Contact: Undead at undead@stupidzombie.com

More work being done

Monday, February 16th, 2009

This week I added fixes to the preferences routines (save, export and import) and also got some time to cleanup the blog; This week will probably play with some graphics elements (at my own peril as I’m not a graphic designer but I have gotten no help so far to make it better).

So far this is the roadmap for this month:

  • Agree on a common theme for both the website and the GUI
  • Refactor the Ping controller and Gui that shows ping
  • Use Synth to enable common look and feel.

So yep, looks like more cool stuff is coming. So far the other pieces work the way I like it and a beta release is not far away (you can download the code from Subversion here).

Veneblogs: , ,

Blogalaxia: , ,

To2blogs: , ,

Technorati: , ,

Del.icio.us: , ,

This is the blog of StupidZombie

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

StupidZombie now has a blog!

StupidZombie is an OpenSource tool that I use to ping my favorite blog directories. It also can create a set of tags that you can use of blogs that support them (like Technorati, Veneblogs and others).

I will try to post updates here about the progress of the project, news and anything related.
Veneblogs: , , ,
Blogalaxia: , , ,
To2blogs: , , ,
Technorati: , , ,
Del.icio.us: , , ,